embedded video in HTML
HTML - Video Codes
Videos can be embedded into your html documents (web pages) two different ways. One method isto use the tag to display your media file. The embed tag does not require a closing tag. In fact, it works much like the image tag. A src attribute must be defined by the correct URL (local or global)
in order for the video file to be displayed correctly. Here is a look at the embed tag with a global URL, feel free to use this URL while you practice.
<div class="codewrap">
<h2 class="specialT">HTML Code:h2><pre class="code"><embed
src="http://www.tizag.com/files/html/htmlexample.mpeg" autostart="false" /> pre>div> <h2 class="specialT">Mpeg Movie:h2><div class="display">
<embed src="http://www.tizag.com/files/html/htmlexample.mpeg" autostart="false"> div><p>You may start and stop your movie files by either pressing
the buttons at the bottom of the object or by single clicking (stop) on the
object and double clicking your mouse (continue/play).p> <p>You may also simply place the URL of your media files into the <i>
hrefi> attribute of an anchor tag, much like the concept of "thumbnailing"
images.p> <div class="codewrap"><h2 class="specialT">HTML Code:h2><pre
class="code"><a href="http://www.tizag.com/pics/flash/<font color=
"red">motiontween1easy.swffont>"> motiontween1easy.swf</a>
pre>div> <h2 class="specialT">Flash Media:h2><div class="display"> <a title="Flash Media" target="_blank"
motiontween1easy.swfa> div> <h1>HTML - Video Media Typesh1> <p>Flash movies (.swf), AVI's (.avi), and MOV's (.mov) file types are
supported by the embed tag.p> <ul> <li>.swf files - are the file types created by Macromedia's Flash program.
li> <li>.wmv files - are Microsoft's Window's Media Video file types.li> <li>.mov files - are Apple's Quick Time Movie format.li>
<li>.mpeg files - set the standard for compression movie files created by
the Moving Pictures Expert Group.li>
<p>The listings above are the most commonly used formats for the internet.
".mpeg" files and Macromedia's .swf files are the most compact and widely used
among the internet. Stick to any of the file types above for use with your web
pages.p> <h1>HTML - Embed Attributesh1> <p>Along with the previously discussed src attribute, there are some unique
attributes available to the <embed /> tag including: volume, autostart,
hidden, and loop.p> <ul> <li><i>autostarti> - controls the media's ability to start without
prompting. Values are true or false.li>
<li><i>hiddeni> - controls whether or not the play/stop/pause
embedded object is hidden or not. Values are true or false. (Hide your embeded
media if you just want background noise).li> <li><i>loopi> - A true value means the media will continuously loop,
false means no looping.li> <li><i>playcounti> - Setting a playcount means the media will
repeat itself x number of times instead of continuously as with the loop attribute
above. (playcount="2" will repeat the video twice).li> <li><i>volumei> - set a numeric value for the loudness of your
media. (0-100).li>ul>
<h1>HTML - Google Videoh1> <p>Google video has recently gained popularity as a source for sharing
movies on the internet. At <a target="_blank" title="Google Video"
href="http://video.google.com/">Google Videoa> it is possible to
search for any type of movie. Google allows you to download and display
these movies on any of your own html pages.p>
<p>As you search through videos there Google has provided a text
area with an embed tag inside of it. Copy this text area to your own HTML
pages to embed Google videos onto your own pages.p> <div class="codewrap"><h2 class="specialT">HTML Code:h2><pre
class="code"><! -- Google Video HTML Code -- > <embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A% 2F%2Fvp.video.google.com%2Fvideodownload%3Fversion%3D0%26 secureurl%3DvgAAAG7ggqAHSiJjpW0D3w4aYTUFW9M-NghJgbJjy8mhm cEoPD-qcpQj2i1OD9xJ6RseUKhCxEKqxhx0jnEJlzf04o-E7gUJc5z_Ur OEGJAZeqGJwm5u3VIm_6cNAj34Tj_GwI13lu4V8_s49xIsqh8GGFa2yKI pP3DN-u3fZclxMdm3EKZKMqwjROPGPOcl1AMH17kgA5XA503H4WS0Gefm G5TKWrRHsY2d3pOatXR_2IxBzGEIq5p-9ybrmmn_o0zj6g%26sigh%3DP dJGakwLdDs6uXBefAsAxQMQDls%26begin%3D0%26len%3D3569%26doc id%3D8734085858581743191&thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvi deo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer%3Fapp%3Dvss%26contentid% 3Dbc66969d46ff8d61%26second%3D0%26itag%3Dw320%26urlcreate d%3D1147452288%26sigh%3DhQlKmBGLA2yrYhrTGpU029bCEHA&p layerId=8734085858581743191" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" scale="noScale" wmode="window" salign="TL" FlashVars="playerMode=embedded">
</embed> <! -- End of Google Video HTML Code --> pre>div> <p>It is a messy code above, but once you put it into your HTML documents
you get a great video clip.p>