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Shell Scripting In Unix /Linux Training Institute in Kolkata - Shell Scripting In Unix /Linux Course Content
Unix-Shell Scripting Shell Scripting
History of UNIX
Features of UNIX
Flavors of UNIX
Comparison of UNIX with Windows
Architecture of UNIX
UNIX File System
Different types of Files
* Regular Files
* Directory Files
* Device Files
Basic Commands
* pwd, logname, who, finger
* Exit, date, cal
Creating Users & Groups
* groupadd, groupdel
* useradd, userdel
System startup & Shutdown
* Init, halt, shutdown
* Different Run levels
* Different date formats
Working with files
* cat, touch, rm
* cp, mv
Working with Directories
* mkdir, cd, rmdir, rm –r
Standard Input & Output
* Redirecting output
* Redirecting Input
Comparing Files
* cmp, diff, comm
Searching files
* find, locate, which
Zip files
* gzip, gunzip
Displaying files
* ls, ls options
Viewing long files
* pg, more, head, tail
File Permissions
* chmod, chown, chgrp, umask
Meta/Wild Card-characters
* Class, Anchors
* Repetition, Alteration
* Group, Dot
Regular Expressions & Patterns
* What is pattern
* Usage of regular expression
* Different types of pattern
* Character pattern
* Word pattern
* Line pattern
Tools for Filters
* grep, grep with options
Flat files
What are delimiters and its types?
Reading and Writing to files
Tools for column data
* cut, paste
Tools for sorting
* Sort by lines, Sort by fields
* Sort with options, uniq
Changing information in files
* tr, sed
* usage of piping
* piping with filters
* tee command
Communication Tools
* write, wall
* mail, mail with options
Networking protocols
* telnet, ftp
Disk status
* du, df with options
Job control
* Foreground jobs, background jobs
* Killing jobs, nohup
Process status
* ps , ps with options
Editor Vi
* 3 modes
* Command mode
* Insert mode
* Ex command mode
What is shell scripting?
Importance of shell scripting
Different types of shells
Creating shell script
Making shell scripting executable
Shell input & output
* echo, print, read
Backslash character constants
* What is variable
* System defined variables
* Environment files
* User defined variables
* Constant variables
* Local & global variables
* Special variables
* Arithmetic variables
* Relational numeric operators
* Logical operators
* Assignment operators
Conditional statements
* if, if….else
* if, elif
* case
* while, until, for
* break, continue
File test commands
String test commands
exit & sleep commands
Command line arguments
* Usage of COA
* What is $0, S#, $*, $@, $? , $$
Job scheduling
* cron
* at
* batch
Compiling and execution of C, Python and C++ programs along with CMS
Unix-Shell Scripting Shell Scripting
History of UNIX
Features of UNIX
Flavors of UNIX
Comparison of UNIX with Windows
Architecture of UNIX
UNIX File System
Different types of Files
* Regular Files
* Directory Files
* Device Files
Basic Commands
* pwd, logname, who, finger
* Exit, date, cal
Creating Users & Groups
* groupadd, groupdel
* useradd, userdel
System startup & Shutdown
* Init, halt, shutdown
* Different Run levels
* Different date formats
Working with files
* cat, touch, rm
* cp, mv
Working with Directories
* mkdir, cd, rmdir, rm –r
Standard Input & Output
* Redirecting output
* Redirecting Input
Comparing Files
* cmp, diff, comm
Searching files
* find, locate, which
Zip files
* gzip, gunzip
Displaying files
* ls, ls options
Viewing long files
* pg, more, head, tail
File Permissions
* chmod, chown, chgrp, umask
Meta/Wild Card-characters
* Class, Anchors
* Repetition, Alteration
* Group, Dot
Regular Expressions & Patterns
* What is pattern
* Usage of regular expression
* Different types of pattern
* Character pattern
* Word pattern
* Line pattern
Tools for Filters
* grep, grep with options
Flat files
What are delimiters and its types?
Reading and Writing to files
Tools for column data
* cut, paste
Tools for sorting
* Sort by lines, Sort by fields
* Sort with options, uniq
Changing information in files
* tr, sed
* usage of piping
* piping with filters
* tee command
Communication Tools
* write, wall
* mail, mail with options
Networking protocols
* telnet, ftp
Disk status
* du, df with options
Job control
* Foreground jobs, background jobs
* Killing jobs, nohup
Process status
* ps , ps with options
Editor Vi
* 3 modes
* Command mode
* Insert mode
* Ex command mode
What is shell scripting?
Importance of shell scripting
Different types of shells
Creating shell script
Making shell scripting executable
Shell input & output
* echo, print, read
Backslash character constants
* What is variable
* System defined variables
* Environment files
* User defined variables
* Constant variables
* Local & global variables
* Special variables
* Arithmetic variables
* Relational numeric operators
* Logical operators
* Assignment operators
Conditional statements
* if, if….else
* if, elif
* case
* while, until, for
* break, continue
File test commands
String test commands
exit & sleep commands
Command line arguments
* Usage of COA
* What is $0, S#, $*, $@, $? , $$
Job scheduling
* cron
* at
* batch
Compiling and execution of C, Python and C++ programs along with CMS
Jyotiprokash Banerjee