What happens if we forget past, present and future?

Deprivation of a subjective past produces drowsiness, speech difficulty and a vague sense of meaningless---symptoms often seen in people suffering from retrograde amnesia.


Elimination of present was found to be extremely disturbing with subjects becoming depressed, disoriented and exhibiting behavior bordering on schizophrenia


If it is told that they would have no future, then they experience a loss of identity and a profound euphoric (a feeling of well being) mystical (divine) sensation. It cancels all fear of death and induced a sense of serene calm.

Therefore those who believe on live in present or now, are oysters (selfish and secretive person—ready to yield profit or success----the world lies before me) and amoebas (ever-changing, answering alternately, responsive) and as we all know they don’t fear death and seem to live in the present.
Therefore for creatures of clocks, the burden of sentience (condemn)becomes unbearable when faced with issues of transient (short duration).                           


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