Support your child learning at home

Parents are the best guides of a child. When guardians are involved in their child ‘s learning he achieves higher academic success and have a higher confidence level.  Make your child’s learning supporting and exciting by making the process fun and enjoyable. Just throw out the worksheets and play to learn.

Let me share a story with you:

We went for a family dinner at a local restaurant. My sister’s son who is just 4 years clearly read the items on the kid’s menu and ordered his own food. Not only the waiter, but also we were shocked by his behavior.

We all know that the first few years of life are the most critical in shaping the brain’s development and growth. So this is the best time that you can teach your child and make the learning easier in all aspects. But creating interest in a child for reading is not that easy. The process should be fun and interesting.

Given below are some educator-approved ideas:

Reading: Reading makes your child smarter. Your child’s reading at age 3 predicts his or her first grade reading or success.  A child who cannot read proficiently are more likely to leave the school without a diploma.

Make the reading process fun: Share the reading, and see whether your child wants to read. Each and every child likes to be read to. So as a parent you can keep reading to them. Play card and board games together. Pick up the pictures and talk about them. Read poems, sing songs and make up rhythms. Enjoy your reading and be a role model to your child. Play with words. This is sure to instill an interest in your child.

Make the time special: Reading is the best time to spend time with your child. Make the reading process quiet and relaxing. This time is enjoyable, interesting and special. If your child is stuck on a word just wait for few seconds and give him some time to think. If not working then read the sentence again. Make the pronunciation easier and simpler. If they still can’t work out tell them and praise their effort. Never forget that reading should be fun. Help your child to link stories to their life. Ask them what would have been their reaction if the same thing happened to them.

Have fun with writing:Encourage your child for learning on paper and on: computer. Enjoy the message and don’t point out the spelling mistake or neatness. Scrape books are really fun. Old magazines or newspaper pictures with any favorite subject is also fun. Play with words. Find interesting new words. This will help increase the child stock of words. Search for new words in the dictionary or on the Internet.

Discuss about the writing: Make the ending different for a favorite story. Tell them to write it down. Encourage them to frame a story from their writing. Keep the writing fun and give them any excuse to encourage your child to write about anything, any time.


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